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EICR (Electrical Installation Condition Report)


An electrical installation condition report will tell you the condition of the fixed electrical wiring and reveal if electrical circuits are being overloaded, find potential hazards within the electrical installation, identify defective DIY work, highlight any lack of earthing or bonding and continue to test the fixed wiring of the installation. This includes checking fuse or circuit breaker ratings and testing the RCD's to make sure they trip under fault conditions.

The outcome from the Electrical Installation Condition Report will establish the overall condition of all the electrics and tell you whether it is satisfactory for continued use and will detail any work that might need to be done. This will be graded upon importance.

Periodic inspection and testing of electrical installations is needed to ensure our clients are meeting their statutory, legal and insurance obligations.

There is also the added benefit of knowing your electrical installation is safe. This applies to domestic, commercial or industrial premises.

You will need an Electrical Installation Condition Report if:-

Ω Your current test certificate has expired.

Ω You have never had, or have mislaid, your test certificate.

Ω You are purchasing or letting premises.

Ω It is needed for licensing purposes such as premises used for

   treatment, music and dancing or licensed premises.

Ω If you suspect there is a hazard or the installation may have

   been damaged by flooding or fire.

For all this and more, for safe, professional and certificated electrical services
© Low Voltage Systems Limited 2007 is a limited company registered in England and Wales (registered no. 06445139)